The greatest need of a human being is the need of belonging

Students being supported
+ 0
Women and Men on medical support
+ 0
Children living at a welcoming house
+ 0
Livelihood and economic strengthening for women and men
+ 0

Our Staff

Directed by Rose Busingye, We have 25 full-time employees, 5 full-time volunteers, 6 Service providers, 1 part-time doctor, 4 part-time nurses.

Our Numbers

Meeting Point International is helping more than 16,000 clients including direct and indirect beneficiaries.

Our Vision

For every person to discover their infinite value and dignity, through a journey towards their own human development and that of their communities.

Our Mission

Meeting Point International aims at continuously accompanying every person and community, prioritizing the affected and infected people with HIV/AIDS, promoting education at all levels and committing to poverty alleviation.

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