Livelihood and Economic strength

Income Generating Activities (IGAs)

Meeting Point International and the active participation of the beneficiaries have put emphasis on assisting women and youths living in Naguru and Kireka slums of Kampala to secure and increase their household income through their own efforts by creating, developing, and supporting their income-generating activities (IGAs). These activities include the sale of various products (e.g., silverfish, onions, fried pancakes, etc.), selling food products in shops, and engagement in small poultry businesses, thanks to our donors.

Village savings and loans association (VSLA)

The VSLA program effectively helps MPI improve the entrepreneurial capacity of women. The VSLAs are organized and managed by the women themselves. Members attend weekly meetings to save together, take loans with lower interest rates than other financial institutions, start IGAs, and invest in existing businesses. All activities are conducted transparently to build trust among members. Currently, 15 MPI VSLA groups, each with at least 28-30 members, exist in Naguru and Kireka slums.

The VSLA members are engaged in financial literacy training, including refresher training on record keeping and loan returns, as well as SPM (Selection, Planning, and Management) training. These trainings equip them with the knowledge and skills necessary to select and invest their money in appropriate IGAs, plan the start-up of IGAs while considering all financial factors, and manage their business’s risks and cash flow effectively.

Arts and Crafts

For years, the women of MPI have been making necklaces using recycled colored paper to create beads for intricate necklaces, bracelets, earrings, bags, craft shoes, and other products. This activity allows the women to spend time together, providing immeasurable therapeutic benefits. They can now feed and care for their children and families. MPI’s intervention and partners connect the women to national and international markets, improving their livelihoods.