Before I joined the movement, I was someone who had lost track of life. I was living just for the sake of the things that were happening. When I joined Luigi Giussani High school my mother asked me if I can join the school of Community. At that time, everything for me was nothing, I […]
“I come from a poor family in Lira where I lived with my father, Onyenye. My mother is not there. I was brought to Kampala by a relative who loved me, and said I should come and study in Kampala because I had spent almost three or four years out of school due to financial problems.A […]
That the necklaces are beautiful is simply unquestionable. From the bright colours of the beads which are stringed together to make a lace (dazzling yellows and reds and greens) to the different shapes in which the beads come (oval, triangle, mango, name it), there is a lot to buoy the eye or the mind that […]